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Apidog - Better than POSTMAN

· 2 min read
Nam Nguyen

Apidog is a new tool that i discovered today.

My main purpose was get a tool that can help me generate request from swagger/api-json (the api schema) and then use the request in my api testing scenario.

Then i found Apidog.

The first thing i want to do is import all existed api from swagger to the project and this actually could be done pretty easier using apidog

Import API from swagger/api-json

  • After you install Apidog app > open it
  • Then on the left hand side, click at APIs, you should see something like this.

Apidog First View

  • Click on the purple plus button and choose import

Import Swagger API

  • Click Submit then you'll see a list of your existed api

API List

  • Then Confirm

API List and Data Transfer Object Schema (DTOs)

After confirm i not only have the api list i also have the dto schema

API List generated with DTO schema

I can also generate the typescript code from that schema dtos. AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!

Generated DTOs Typescript

Testing my imported API

Now let's do some simple test case and get the test report.

  • Click Testing on the left hand side sidebar you should and click at the purple plus button and choose New Test Scenario

Create New Test Scenario

  • What i'm gonna do is create a Health Check Test and you should see something like this

After Create New Test Scenario

  • Then choose add step click at import from APIs and choose the Health Check API
  • Then i'm gonna choose Post Processors and select Response Body String Check on the right handside Template List

You Can see The script here

pm.test("Testing response", function () {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();

Test succeed case.

Check succeed

Test fail case.

Check failed

The Final Report. Final Report

Readmore on Apidog